1. Gamblers Anonymous Zoom Meetings
  2. Gambling Anonymous Near Me Location
  3. Gamblers Anonymous Near Me Uk
  4. Gamblers Anonymous Near Me
  5. Gamblers Anonymous Groups Near Me
  6. Gamblers Anonymous Meetings Near Me 44109
  7. Gambling Anonymous Near Me

Meetings - San Diego Gamblers Anonymous. Due to COVID-19 most physical meetings are closed. A few meetings have opened up and require proper social distancing including wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, bringing your own book if you have one to avoid sharing materials. San Diego Gamblers Anonymous Intergroup Welcome to Gamblers Anonymous of San Diego and South Riverside Counties In order to continue, you must be logged in. Click the Login button below.

Gamblers Anonymous meetings provide problem gamblers with a safe, supportive community of other people who know exactly what you are going through. This fellowship group believes that disordered gambling is an illness and treats it as such. At these meetings, you will never encounter shame or judgment. You will only find compassion. Wednesday Meetings: Closed until further notice 12 Noon Gravois Rd. 11648 Gravois Suite 245 St. Louis County, MO 63126 Rear entrance at Assessment and Counseling Solutions.

Welcome! On-Line Gamers Anonymous®, founded in 2002, is a 12-step self-help group. We share our experience, strengths and hope to help and support each other recover and heal from problems resulting from excessive video game playing (gaming disorder).

Welcome to our website! Any time you see words with blue letters, that is a link. Click on it to go to the item described. Go here, for more website features!

Hot off the press! Now available: Our FIRST Outreach for On-Line Gamers Anonymous® book: Your Son Did NOT Die in Vain. This is the story of what was behind the creation of OLGA. Click here for more information about this book. There are 3 versions. Full color, 8 X 10 ($40.00), the Black & White 6 X 9 ($9.99) and e-book ($5.99) can be purchased on Amazon.

Gamblers Anonymous Near Me

Gamblers Anonymous Zoom Meetings

You are not alone!Our community includes Recovering gamers (OLGA® members), Family members, loved ones, friends, concerned others (OLG-Anon members), and those who inform and reach out to others (Outreach). We know how powerful, cunning, baffling and destructive excessive video game playing can be, to some. It can be devastating to the real-world lives of gamers and to those close to them. OLGA®, OLG-Anon and Outreach provides resources for open discussion, support, information and professional referrals. We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery.

We strengthen ourselves by helping one another. Participating in OLGA®/OLG-Anon is a healing journey for all of us.We respect the need for privacy and ask all who choose to participate agree to this: Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here. Thank you for your courtesy.

We Offer Support.There are times when our community cannot adequately address the consequence of excessive gaming and professional help is needed. If you need more support than we offer here, please seek help from a professional. We encourage you to seek one who supports treatment for gaming in the same manner as alcohol or substance abuse. List of Professionals.

To get full access, please create an account and login. You will then be automatically be directed to the section which most closely matches your relationship to games, so we may provide information specific to your needs. When you create an account, please use a valid email address, so you can be notified when members send you messages.

To learn how our community functions, read Who We Are and Frequently Asked Questions.

Donations:There are no dues or fees for membership here. We do suggest a free-will offering, so we can continue our mission for you and our current and future members. To donate to OLGA®, OLG-Anon, Outreach, please click here: Donate Online. Without your donations, we would not be here!

For all meetings/meetings outside of New Jersey, please click on the link below.

Zoom gamblers anonymous meetings onlineCLICK HEREGamblers Anonymous Near Me

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: ALL in person meetings are temporarily suspended in NJ due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Gambling Anonymous Near Me Location

Gamblers Anonymous Near Me

People that suffer from disordered gambling often feel lost and alone. As they struggle to control their behavior, they can grow more and more frustrated, until they fall into despair. As hopeless as their situations may seem, however, many disordered gamblers never reach out for help. Feelings of shame, guilt, or worthlessness may prevent them from seeking outside support.

The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey (CCGNJ) wants residents of AC, Marlboro Township, Freehold, Monmouth, and elsewhere throughout the state to know that there is hope for them and their loved ones. Breaking the cycle of disordered behavior can be difficult or even impossible for almost anyone to do alone. The CCGNJ regularly assists problem gamblers on their road to recovery by helping them access programs like Gamblers Anonymous. In Gamblers Anonymous meetings, disordered gamblers can share their experiences with each other as they create a network of supportive peers.

Helping Hands

If you suspect that you have a gambling problem, you may think that others would not understand. You might even be afraid that they would judge you harshly for your behavior. The prospect of sharing your struggle with friends or loved ones could be terrifying. Reaching out for help and support, however, is one of the bravest things you could do.

According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, up to 6 million Americans may have a gambling disorder. On top of that, the rate of disordered gambling in New Jersey is almost four times that of the rest of the country. Thousands of people in the state struggle with problem gambling every day. If you reach out for help, you will find that there are countless people waiting to aid you along your path to recovery.

Gamblers Anonymous meetings provide problem gamblers with a safe, supportive community of other people who know exactly what you are going through. This fellowship group believes that disordered gambling is an illness and treats it as such. At these meetings, you will never encounter shame or judgment. You will only find compassion and encouragement.

Gamblers Anonymous Near Me Uk

The people that attend these meetings hope to erase the stigma around problem gambling by sharing their experiences and offering strength and support to one another. Through its twelve-step program, Gamblers Anonymous empowers members to overcome their disordered behavior and transform their lives. Residents of New Jersey can find local meetings in the following areas and elsewhere throughout the state:

Gamblers Anonymous Near Me

  • AC
  • Marlboro Township
  • Freehold
  • Monmouth

No matter how hopeless the situation may feel, recovery is always possible. If you or a loved struggles with disordered gambling, thousands of people are just waiting to help. Find your local Gamblers Anonymous meeting today.

Gamblers Anonymous Groups Near Me

It Is Never Too Late

Gamblers Anonymous Meetings Near Me 44109

The CCGNJ strives to help disordered gamblers across NJ access resources and services that can change their lives for the better. Besides Gamblers Anonymous meetings, we also help problem gamblers find sign up for self-exclusion programs and professional counseling. There are many paths to recovery. All you need is a commitment to change.

Gambling Anonymous Near Me

To learn more about seeking gambling problem help, call or text 800-GAMBLER today. Alternatively, find a local Gamblers Anonymous meeting by entering your zip code or address in our locator tool above.